Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hello everyone! I wanted to give you all a little bit of an update on what's been happening lately...

We all finally made it to the end of our Thesis year and had an amazing time at the OCADU Grad Ex... And upon finishing my fifth (and final) year at OCAD University, I was honored to be awarded the graduating Drawing and Painting Medal.

Grad Ex opening night with president Sara Diamond and the 2012 OCADU Medal Winners :)

What an amazing way to end my time at OCAD and to begin my life outside of it. And I'm excited to say that I do have a few adventures lined up for the near future...

I'll be exhibiting new work in The Next Generation at Canadian Fine Arts Gallery from June 14th-24th with fellow OCADU grads: Stella Cade, Shanna Van Maurik, Keita Morimoto, along with Christie Lau and Sarah Ammons.

The opening reception is next Thursday, June 14th from 6-9pm at 577 Mount Pleasant Rd.
Come check out the work!

I'm also very excited be subletting wonderful artist, Rachel Macfarlane's studio in downtown Toronto while she is away in Ireland this summer. I move in this week and can finally get back to a regular painting schedule! 

At the end of the summer, I'll be boarding a plane to Peru to begin a residency in San Roque De Cumbaza (in the Northern Highland Amazon Jungle!) at the Sachaqa Art Center. I'll be working on my own body of work and continuing to learn Spanish while living in an eco-friendly environment and embracing an understanding of traditional indigenous art styles and techniques.

You can learn more about the art center on the website:

I'm going to try to update this blog on a much more regular basis from now on... so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot all about your blog, Erin!! I have a LOT to catch up on! I will be reading from here on, and I can't wait to see where all this takes you! You are amazing and I love you!! Congratulations on all your success!! ♥
    ♥ Katie ♥
